About Us

creativesgo logo CreativesGo provides technical information, knowledge, insight and inspiration for people who wish to use their skills for a career in, or to create an income from photography, filmmaking and visual media be that as a commercial photographer, filmmaker, shooting an occasional stock photo with their phone or anything inbetween.

All of the technical articles you see here have been written by us. If we've written about it, we've been there and done that. None of this is made up. Every word has been written based on 20 years of cold, hard experience using a camera to make money. Some of the things we describe here are new to us too. For instance, we have only just got into offering our work as print-on-demand. Whilst we have shot stock photography for most of those 20 years.

We're very proud to feature interviews with industry experts, filmmakers and photographers who earn their living with a camera or are closely associated within the visual-media industries. These interviews are at the heart of what CreativesGo is all about, to give a real-world insight in to what it takes to work in and make a living from the creative and broadcast industries.

Written in Nottingham by human beings and not by robots, to inspire the World.

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A tiny sample of our articles below. There's lots more here.

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